Many products contain a punched part. Some examples are filters for test equipment, rubber seals and membranes…
Anestacia ist das neue Narkosegerät für die stressfreie und schmerzfreie Kastration von jungen Schweinchen. Das neu entwickelte Inhalations-Narkosegerät zur schmerzlosen Ferkelkastration ANESTACIA ist ein Gerät,…
GDO already had a world premiere by developing a system that lifts inspection of stents to a higher level by automatically checking geometry and surface…
Wednesday 28 of June; GDO was in the final of the "most attractive employer of Limburg". Unfortunately, we did not win. Nevertheless, we are proud…
GDO has been selected for the reward “most attractive employer of Limburg” and is proud to announce that we made it to the last 10…
UNLIMITED LEISURE EXPANSION Guillaume Dippel: “Every visitor receives a social media clip, which is instantly shareable, and a longer digital version”
GDO is well known for its innovative developments of a 100% automated stent inspection. Some of these innovations can also be leveraged towards tools for…
In a unique cooperation between GDO and Tox, several servo presses were integrated in a high end production line for the automotive industry. Please read…
Starting from the 1st of September 2016 the company Aquilant Scientific ROI Ltd. will be responsible for the distribution of GDO's products. Main focus will…
What GDO München is doing for Formula Student, GDO Eygelshoven is doing for the Eco Runner. Also this challenge is focussed on developing a high-tech…
Formula Student, for those who don't know, is a program where students own a racing team. Not only managing the team, but also developing the…
January 14th, 2014 GDO BV takes over Bulltec, Netherlands The Dutch special machinery builder GDO BV takes over the Dutch company, Bulltec fijnmechanische industrie.…
Der Maschinenbauer GDO BV aus Eygelshoven, Niederlande nimmt vom 11. bis zum 13. Februar an der MDM in Anaheim (Kalifornien) und vom 3. bis zum…
Der Maschinenbauer GDO BV in Eygelshoven, Niederlande hat die süddeutsche Firma Schneid übernommen. Der Erwerb steht im Einklang mit dem starken Wachstum des Unternehmens. Darüber…
Der Maschinenbauer GDO BV hat an seinem Hauptstandort in Eygelshoven, Niederlande einen neuen Bürokomplex errichtet. Diese Erweiterung steht zusammen mit der Übernahme der Schneid GmbH…